Friday, January 25, 2019

What are you thinking about?

Have you ever thought about what you are thinking about? It's called self talk.  What's in our minds comes out in our lives. 

Many of us have a negative dialogue with ourselves. We let any negative thought drive on the highways of our minds.

Every time you think a thought.  It creates a pathway. Every time you think about it. It becomes deeper. Every time you think a thought.  It's harder to think something else.

Your life will always go in the pattern of your strongest thoughts. If you think you can't, you won't. We've got to renew our minds. We have the power to change everyone of our thoughts.

We make a habit. Then, the habit makes us. You see the lie by comparing your thoughts to God's Word in regards to the lie. 

We have the power to change everyone of our thoughts. You will be set free to the degree that you renew your mind to God's Word.

Hamp Greene, Church of the Highlands

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Mine enemy

 The enemy of the future is the present.