Thursday, January 31, 2019

Don't give up on God.

God doesn't give up on us.  Don't give up on God. 

Dino Rizzo 

God's love language

Our obedience is God's love language.  

Dino Rizzo  

Value God's voice

Value God's voice above all.  We want God to turn up His voice, but He's wanting us to turn down our lives. 

Dino Rizzo

Every verse of Scripture

Every verse of Scripture speaks God's voice.  His Word is His voice.  

Dino Rizzo 

A humble heart

A humble heart ushers in the voice of God.  

Dino Rizzo  

While you have breath

While you have breath, there is an opportunity to hear from God. 

Dino Rizzo 

A surrender heart

A surrender heart is fertile ground to hear the voice of God (John 10:3-5). 

Dino Rizzo

Does God Speak to Children?

God will speak to a child even when he doesn't recognize it (1 Samuel 3: 1-11,15). 

Dino Rizzo

God's Voice

God’s voice is clearest in a
prepared environment.

Chris Hodges

Real Maturity

Real maturity can't happen by ourselves.  Maturity comes when we stop making excuses and start making changes.  

Chris Hodges

The World's Volume

To hear God's voice, I must turn down the world's volume. 

Chris Hodges 

Humility and Pride

Humble people look for needs.  Prideful people need people to look at them.  

Rick Bezet


Pride got Lucifer kicked out of heaven, and it can get heaven kicked out of you. 

Rick Bezet 

Meaningful LIfe

Prioritizing ourselves brings no long term satisfaction.  Prioritizing others is the key to a meaningful life.  

Allen Pedram


Personal maturity starts by seeing beyond ourselves, but spiritual maturity begins by putting others before ourselves. 

Allen Pedram

Right Thinking

The more that you reaffirm who you are in Christ.  The more your behavior will begin to reflect your true identity.  

Tom Mullins

Attractive Words

You can't spread light if you're speaking darkness.  

Tom Mullins

Be Attractive

Speak encouraging words to each other.  Your words will either draw or repel.  

Tom Mullins

Reaching People

Live a life that draws people to you, so you can lead them to Jesus. 

Tom Mullins

A Perfect 10

Put a 10 on everyone.  See everyone not as they are, but as they could be.  

John Maxwell


A person on their face before God can ever fall from that position.  

Roy Stockstill

Pain = Purpose

Your pain is speaking purpose to others.  Your pain is not wasted. 

Dino Rizzo, Church of the Highlands 


Anything God is in, He is in control. Anything in God's control is never out of control.

Dino Rizzo, Church of the Highlands 

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Spiritual Gifts

A spiritual gift is a special
supernatural ability that God gives to each of His children, so that together we can advance His purposes in this world.  

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands

Spiritual Gifts

Lives are being changed, and you are fulfilled when you discover your grace gift. 

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands

Spiritual Gifts

God's design in me reveals God destiny for me.  

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands

The Holy Spirit

Being filled with the Holy Spirit doesn’t make me better than you, it makes me better than me

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Conversion is turning on the right road, and the next thing to do is to walk on it. 

Hamp Greene, Church of the Highlands  


We will only believe Satan's lies to the extent that we don't know God's truth.  
Replace Satan's lies with God's truth found in the Word of God, the Bible. 

Hamp Greene, Church of the Highlands

God's Word

God’s Word is alive and you can sense God's presence as your read it (Hebrews 4:12).  

Hamp Greene, Church of the Highlands


Worship is not how you feel.  It's about God's worth.  It's you telling God has important He is to you. 

Hamp Greene, Church of the Highlands


Jesus didn't come to make bad people good. He came to make dead people alive. 

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands 


God sees greatness in me that I can't see myself.  

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands


Grace will meet you where you are, but it will never leave you where it found you. 

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands 


Easter is death working backwards.  

C.S. Lewis.

Saturday, January 26, 2019


The three most important days of your life is the day that you were born. The day that you were born again, and the day that you realize what you were born to do.

Mike Haman, Healing Place Church


Mistakes are only temporary when humility is involved. 

Allen Pedram, Church of the Highlands

Holy Spirit

Being filled with the Holy Spirit doesn’t make me better than you, it makes me better than me.

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands


Prayer is weakness leaning on omnipotence. 

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands 

Friday, January 25, 2019

I would never ever vote against you and God.

The devil is deathly scared of you walking in who you are in Christ.  
You and God were made to win. If you don't know Jesus, you can. You can go to heaven if you'd like.  

Preston Morrison, Gateway Church

Romans 10:13 (NIV)
13 for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

The devil is a liar, and there is no truth in Him.

Taking Godly risks becomes a thrill because we know that God is near. 
When the devil calls you a failure, a loser, a liar, or alone, He's the one that lying! Get that fake I.D. out of your wallet!  When you let someone call you by a fake name, you'll always live up to it. 

Preston Morrison, Gateway Church 

Failure is no big deal.

If you have that fear, get that fear off of you! If you fail, your Father, God, is there to catch you.  Please do not fear failure! Our Father, God, is committed to catching you.

Preston Morrison, Gateway Church 

Am I a failure

You're going to have to fail a lot to get where God wants you to be.  It's like missing a shot in basketball. 
Missing a lot of shots means that you're taking a lot of shots.  If you're not missing shots, you're only shooting layups.

Preston Morrison, Gateway Church

What thoughts should I be thinking

You see the lie by comparing your thoughts to God's Word in regards to the lie. 

Everything that the devil says is a lie.  There are three areas of the devil's lies. 

It's about...

A. Self- your identity.
B. God- who He is.

C. Others- your relationship with others breeding disunity.  

Hamp Greene, Church of the Highlands

What are you thinking about?

Have you ever thought about what you are thinking about? It's called self talk.  What's in our minds comes out in our lives. 

Many of us have a negative dialogue with ourselves. We let any negative thought drive on the highways of our minds.

Every time you think a thought.  It creates a pathway. Every time you think about it. It becomes deeper. Every time you think a thought.  It's harder to think something else.

Your life will always go in the pattern of your strongest thoughts. If you think you can't, you won't. We've got to renew our minds. We have the power to change everyone of our thoughts.

We make a habit. Then, the habit makes us. You see the lie by comparing your thoughts to God's Word in regards to the lie. 

We have the power to change everyone of our thoughts. You will be set free to the degree that you renew your mind to God's Word.

Hamp Greene, Church of the Highlands

What is the greatest deterrent to generosity?

The greatest deterrent to radical generosity is the illusion that earth is our home. 

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands 

Worship is a glorious exchange.

God becomes bigger, and our problems become smaller.  

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands

Why can't I hear God?

Busyness prevents us from hearing God. The quieter you become.  The more you can hear God's voice. To hear God's voice, you have to turn down the world's volume.

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands 

What does Jesus love to talk to you about?

90% of what Jesus is interested in you praying about.  It's about reaching the lost. 

Luke 19:10(ESV)
10 For the Son of Man (Jesus) came to seek and to save the lost.”

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

How much power does Satan have?

The devil has power (as much as you will give him).  

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands

How should I memorize Scripture?

Find a Bible verse to claim for every situation (and temptation).  

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

How can I escape ungodly habits?

God asks you to become accountable to someone.  Ask someone you really trust to hold you accountable to them for your addictions.  That's why we have small groups of people who love you and Jesus.

Small Group Directory

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10  (ESV)

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. 10 For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! 

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands

Is my New Year already Old?

Don't do this year your way, but God's way.  God is a lot closer than you might think, and it's easier than you think.  God is not far from you, but near.

James 4:8  (ESV)

Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.

Don't be stuck in the same place.  Take this time seriously. 

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands

How can I find my way?

How can I find the best version of myself?  Intentions are easy, but my execution has been bad. You need to think about your situation like God thinks about it. It is the distractions that are keeping you in the past. You can't do anything about it, but to move on.  My goal is to get you moving to where you always wanted to travel. 

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands

Matthew 7:24 (ESV)

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine (Jesus) and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.

Is it too late for me?

I can’t go back and change the
beginning, but I can start where I am  
and change the endI can’t start the next chapter of my life if I keep re-reading the last oneIf we want something that we've never had, we've got to do something that we've never done. If you have breath, it's not too late.  Would you consider inviting Jesus Christ into your life as it's focus right now?

2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV)
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands

Who does God Use?

God does not use perfect people, but imperfect people to fulfill His perfect will. 

James Robinson, guest speaking at Gateway Church

What can you give God that He doesn't already have?

The only thing that God does not have is your sin.  He wants is your sin.

1 John 1:9  (ESV)
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands.

Do you have faith to believe that God knows what He is doing?

Are you comfortable wearing the faith that God has called you to wear?

Jeremy Foster, Hope City Church

Can God trust you with trouble?

It's the trouble that defines you.  Nothing great is ever easy. God takes you through tough times to show you things that are in you that you didn't know were there.

Jeremy Foster, Hope City Church

Why should I trust God?

It's dangerous not to trust God.  The people of Israel longed for slavery again. 

They took a 11 day journey, and made it into a 40 year way of life. (Deuteronomy 1:2)

Jeremy Foster, Hope City Church

God, what is my destiny?

With God, there is a destination to your destiny. Prepare to go beyond where you are. Say goodbye to what God has done.  Say hello to what God is about to do.

Jeremy Foster, Hope City Church

Where is God?

God is not hiding from you, but He is waiting for you. 

Jeremy Foster, Hope City Church

Why should I release my pain?

Don't do the time for someone else's crime.  Forgiveness is setting the prisoner free, and the prisoner is you.  Don't be held captive by the pain caused by others. 

Mike Haman, Healing Place Church

How to see Sin for what it really is.

Sin (destructive habits) promises happiness, but will rip joy from your life.  Sin is pleasurable, but when we pray.  We pull the curtain back and see sin for what it really is.

Mike Haman, Healing Place Church

Why should I resist Satan's tempting?

Satan is a liar.  He makes promises that he'll never keep.  He promises freedom, but puts you into bondage. 

Mike Haman, Healing Place Church

God, where am I weak?

Temptation is customized for your weakness.  If you don't know where you are weak, you can't prepare for the devil's attacks.  Ask God. Where am I weak, and how can I overcome them?  

Mike Haman, Healing Place Church  

Why should we insist on God's will being done in our lives?

There is something greater than our own agenda. It is the agenda of the King because we lack perspective.

Mike Haman, Healing Place Church

How do I obtain God's Favor?

Start doing what God is blessing.  Get in the flow of God's favor.  We must not want what we want then convince ourselves that God wants it to.

Mike Haman, Healing Place Church

How Does Deception Harm Us?

We think that we are in bondage to  addictions and other harmful habits (sin); however, it is a lie created by Satan in our minds. The truth is that if we have surrendered our lives to Christ we are free from the bondage to sin.

Mike Haman, Healing Place Church

How does Satan attempt to harm us?

Deception is his strategy. A lie is his tool. He creates a stronghold by deception to put us in bondage to a harmful habit. Something that is not true appears true. 

Mike Haman, Healing Place Church

Why do people hurt me?

Hurting people hurt people, and we must see them through that lens. 

When people hurt us, let's forgive them, love them, and pray for them. 

Let's see it at an opportunity to pray for them to be released from the devil's evil influence.  

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands


Why would someone despair?

Despair is to remember the bad in the past by reliving it in the present and complaining to God about it.

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands.

How can I rejoice?

Rejoice is to remember what God has done in the past by reliving it in the present and praising God for it.

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands.

How to Escape Despair

If you choose joy in despair, it delivers you from it. Don't wait on joy to find you.  You choose to have joy as an act of obedience to God's Word, the Bible (Philippians 4:4).

Chris Hodges, Church of the Highlands.

How is Satan Attempting Destroy Us?

Satan is attempting to destroy us by preventing us from hearing God's voice through the use of distractions as we read the Bible or hear it taught.

Layne Schrantz, Church of the Highlands

What is Worship?

God created us to worship.  We've got to be set free from holding back.  Worship means to lay prostate and kiss. The word picture is of a man petting an obedient dog while the dog licks him.  We need to greet God like our dog greets us.

If you’d like a prayer guide, contact

Hamp Greene, Church of the Highlands  

Does God Need Our Worship

God doesn't need our worship.  Why then would He seek it?  It's for us not Him.  The result of our worship of Him is joy.

If you’d like a prayer guide, contact

Hamp Greene, Church of the Highlands  

What Is God Looking For?

God is looking for worshipers who are not concerned about what other people think.

If you’d like a prayer guide, contact

Hamp Greene, Church of the Highlands  

Why Read the Bible?

Keep God's book, the Bible, close by.  God speaks just like He writes. 

Mike Haman, Healing Place Church

Why Pray?

When you pray, things happen.  When we pray, we have the power of heaven and earth at our disposal. 

If you'd like a prayer guide,contact...

Mike Haman, Healing Place Church

Mine enemy

 The enemy of the future is the present.